Friday, September 14, 2012

A few things I made ..a very quick post

My Niece is very into unicorns, Pegicorns, rainbows and trees and I had the perfect amount left from a dress I made for my little girl to make my niece this skirt. I cant wait for her to get it!!

Here is a dress i made my little one.
Have a great day

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Have you heard of Freezer Paper Stenciling yet?

Im not sure if you have heard of Freezer Paper Stenciling and all the possibilities you have with it... But here are a few things I made these past couple of weeks with this technique. A tutorial will be coming soon...
Hello Kitty stencil I did on a shirt I made

Martin Luther King Jr

Shirt I did for my hubbies co-worker

shirt for another co-worker. Do you know what this is from?
 Have a great one!

What to do with a pair of jeans that has a hole?

A while ago my oldest girl made some big holes in the knees of her pants but since it was just changing into summer I decided to just cut them off to cute board shorts but then I was left with 2 of these

I hung on to them, and thank goodness I did because my 15 month old was in dire need of a cute simple jean skirt.

To start out you have to un-pick one of the edges. I chose the outside edge since it was not double stitched and would look great as the side of the skirt. so it should look like this..
Do you see where I un-stitched it? Great!! Here is where I totally forgot to take pictures but dont worry it is super simple YAY!!
Now you lay your two pieces right sides together and stitch the edges then you finish the bottom hem where you had to un-stich it. Next you have 2 options you can either do as I did and just take some elastic the size you need and sew it on to the top of the skirt with the longest stitch you have on your machine or you can find some coordinating fabric and add it on top them put elastic through... I hope you understand what I mean by that.
It only took about 20 mins to make and the longest part was un-stiching the seam.

Here is what the finished Product looks like. I absolutely love how it turned out and the best part is it will grow with her since it is a little longer. I'm one happy Momma.
back view

front view
  Have a great day!