Monday, May 28, 2012

Color block dress from t-shirts

I realized Temperance does not have much in the dress department. So this week I set out to make her some super comfy but cheap, since she is growing like crazy, dresses. I grabbed some of my T-shirts that I don't wear anymore, lets face it we all have a few of those, and came up with this super cute color block dress for her. She rocks it like a rock star! I loved it because she was able to move un-restricted and I didnt feel bad about putting her down for her nap in it. I will try to do a tutorial soon since I will be making more this week, but for now enjoy some pictures of my super chubby baby girl.

Such a funny face in this picture but here is the front of the dress

From behind..She wont stand still!!

Front of the dress

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Turtle shirt with crayon

Last night as the hubby, who is a graphic designer you can see his website here, was out late at a work thing so I made this little shirt for a drawing I made my husband draw for me the night before. The shirt turned out great and then as I was adding the crayon turtle I was not paying attention and a birds butt ,that Michael also drew, got on there. Grrr! So I had to figure out how the heck I would cover it up and decided to add the words Turtle to the side. It still came out cute and Im happy with it. Im going to be making some little shorts to go with it. Enjoy the pictures.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mothers Day Weekend!!

I can't believe it is already May!! This year is flying by. I love that I have a kiddo in school now because they come home with the cutest little gifts see..
Isn't that coaster darling! I told my family that all I wanted for mothers day was a nice relaxing no whining movie filled family night. HAHA you think it will happen with a 11 month old, 4 year old and 6 year old in the house? Anyway here are a pair of shorts I made yesterday they are a size 24m-2t.
Right now Im making some strawberry fruit roll ups, also known as fruit leather, in the oven. I will let you know how that one turns out. Have a great day. -D